Pinckney Bend Distillery
About an hour outside of St. Louis, just west of Washington, MO is the town of New Haven, the location of Pinckney Bend Distillery. Pinckney Bend’s website is excellent, and there you can find out all about this award-winning distillery. From ShowMeMicro.com, you can find Pinckney Bend under the St. Louis region.
Today I had the pleasure of meeting Ralph and Tom and getting a tour and tasting of their quality spirits, as well as a glimpse of the renovation and expansion they have planned for the start of 2016.
The owners of Pinckney Bend will be recreating pre-prohibition-style whiskey and have even planted heirloom corn from the era to get things exactly right. You can secure three 375ml bottles of their retro-whiskey in advance by contacting them directly and purchasing “whiskey futures” for $100. If you don’t want to wait, you can always stop in for a tasting every day from noon to 6pm. If you’d like to make a day of it, you can always stop in at Röbller Vineyard and Winery and 2nd Shift Brewery before or after your visit to Pinckney Bend. If you would like to make a long day of it and find yourself looking for a place to stay, there are options right in New Haven, such as Aunt May’s Farm Guesthouse (auntmays.com), or the Levee House B&B (leveehouse.com), or for larger groups there is Cedar Creek (visitcedarcreek.com). You can ask for a complete listing at the distillery, including more lodging choices and places where you can grab a meal.
Remember, New Haven is between Washington and Hermann, so with a little planning, you can easily make this a weekend trip to the area and visit several breweries and wineries along with your visit to Pinckney Bend.